I've been wanting to start a blog for quite some time now. I was just at lunch with my friend Brooke and she has started one...and pointed me in the right direction. Time passes so quickly. I'd like to write down all the wonderful, funny, crazy things that my little girls, Kira & Maia do on a daily basis. I hope to write often, time permitting.
Where to start?
Kira is almost 4 1/2 already. She is such a smart girl, I forget that she is only four. Just the other night at bedtime, we having our usual chat...'what was your favorite part of your day', 'what friends did you play with', etc. She says to me, 'Mom, I love my friend Elijah. I think he is really handsome'. I was dumbfounded. What do you say to that? She then goes on to tell me that he has told her that when they grow up that she should only love him. Again, completely dumbfounded. I'm not ready for these kinds of conversations. I thought I had years to prepare for anything remotely like this. Rude awakening for sure.
Maia is almost 2 1/2. She is a total crack up. She doesn't like going to bed, as I'm sure most 2 year olds don't. Every night she suddenly gets extremely thirsty at bedtime...even though she has just had milk. Every night I try and tell her that she just needs to go to bed, but eventually give in and get her a glass of water. What is funny about this is that she gulps down that glass of water like she has been in the desert for days. In her haste to drink every last drop, she generally gets water on her jammies and insists that she has to change, as she is quite particular about her wardrobe. Needless to say, bedtime has passed, we've both had some laughs and she finally submits to snuggling into her little bed...with baby, monster, polk-a-dot bear, beaver and dolly.
1 comment:
Heidi; Ihave no way of knowing if I am doing this correctly. That word indentification was a problem. I think they finally figured out tht I was having trouble and gave me a simpler word. Now this one I know. Hope it all works. Those girls were so beautiful all in pink. You will never be sorry that you took the time to do this..........GRamBOots
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